If you do not hold a visa while you are in Australia, it is critical that you regularise your status and apply for visa – otherwise you may be liable for Immigration detention and removal.
For your peace of mind, we know how to handle these complex situations and can help you in scenarios like these.
Visa Options if you are ILLEGAL or UNLAWFUL in Australia:
Applying for the above visas requires specific documents and information – so it is critical that you reach out to us so we can carefully assist you in applying for one of these visas.
We have vast experience in these complex situations. Please contact us today on info@visaeducationexperts.com.au or +61 414 588 942.
Please note that any immigration advice provided only and only constitutes immigration assistance as per s276 of the Migration Act 1958 (It does not include or constitute any other type of advice apart from immigration assistance as per s276 of the Migration Act 1958).