S48 Bar is a legislative bar under Immigration Law that prevents you to apply for an onshore visa application if:
If you satisfy the above 2 conditions, then the s48 bar does LIMIT and RESTRICT you from applying for most visa subclasses while you are in Australia.
However, there is a list of prescribed visas that you can apply for despite being s48 barred:
If you are s48 barred, and you hold a Bridging Visa A, you may be able to apply for a Bridging Visa B and then depart Australia and submit your substantive visa application while you are overseas. But be very careful with this, as you need to ensure ALL immigration and legislative requirements are met.
Our firm has a lot of experience with these tricky and complex situations. If you want help, contact us today.
If you need help for your s48 bar situation, contact us on info@visaeducationexperts.com.au or +61 414 588 942.
Please note that any immigration advice provided only and only constitutes immigration assistance as per s276 of the Migration Act 1958 (It does not include or constitute any other type of advice apart from immigration assistance as per s276 of the Migration Act 1958).